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As a can I get involved?

Parents often wonder how they can stay involved and plugged in to their child's education and time at school. Below are just a few ways you can continue to work alongside your child throughout their school years:


  • Each day ask your child what they learned, you won't always get an answer but continue to engage with him/her.

  • Be aware of their school experience - pay attention to automated calls and notes from the disctrict, take note of special dates/events and ask how you can get involved, attend monthly PTC meetings, attend open school board meeting sessions.

  • Ask your child's teacher if he/she has any needs for the school year (extra tissues, sanitizer etc).

  • Ask about volunteer opportunities (not all teachers need help, but some might!)

  • Create a home condusive to learning.  Have a space set aside for homework time (this should be a clear space free of distractions).  Make sure your student eats a healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  Children should get 8-12 hours of sleep per night depending on their age and personal need.  Eating dinner as a family is a great way to engage with your child and have open conversations about their day and learning experience.

Parent Informational Links

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Please feel free to contact us:

Telephone: (209) 385-8420

Address: 161 E El Nido Rd.

                 El Nido, CA 95317

or via email:



El Nido Elementary School is committed to providing high-quality education to our diverse student body. We achieve our goals through a challenging curriculum, quality teachers, and an atmosphere that emphasizes communication and cooperation. Together, these elements create a safe and engaging learning environment in which all students can excel.

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